Friday, February 20, 2009

Je Les Veux!

The scarf is 120 dollars. JESUS! That's a paycheck I can't afford to spend.
But the tights are cheap at

That site had the coolest tights. Even ones with fringe on them! No joke.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Justice for All

The new age has risen!

Of course you have heard of them, but do you know about them? They are an amazing French duo on Ed Banger Records. Powered by the gorgeous Xavier de Rosnay (guilty pleasure) and Gaspard Augé. They first became known with their remix of Simian's song "Never Be Alone", but they then created their first hit "Waters of Nazereth" (amazing.) and then of course "D.A.N.C.E.". Following that, "Phantom" and all the rest of their beautiful and energetic songs.
I saw them at Coachella 2008 (the only reason I went) and had the time of my life.


The Killers are playing second day this year at Coachella 2009. Are you excited? (I have been told I have an unhealthy relationship with The Killers).

Alright, so back to what I do everyday in my Graphic Design class (where I am now), which is write about style. Here are some new goodies...
Nice right? Did you happen to notice that gorgeous yellow bicycle? Mhmmmm

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Inspiration for Design

Looking up pictures from back in the day really gives you inspiration. I love these styles from the 20s, 30s, 40s, and 80s.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Oh man, oh man are you in for a treat, I've been listening to a new radio station on Yahoo! music (try it out it's free with great tunes) and the channel is called The Killers Fan Radio (I am a huge fan). This station plays not only the Killers, but also Modest Mouse, The Bravery, TV on the Radio, Beck and others that have a similar sound to my favourite band of all time.

Beck- Black Tambourine- Guero

The Killers- Midnight Show- Hot Fuss

The Hives-Walk Idiot Walk- Walk Idiot Walk (old but still awesome)

Great new album by The Killers
(Goodnight, Travel Well is an awesome track)

But back to the normal stuff- The one item I am saving up for is this gorgeous jacket by Kimchi Blue at UO. It's on sale (can you believe it?) for $69.99. Love it

Avec les petit chaussures comme:

elles sont adorable n'est-ce pas?


Wackerhaus and Stine Goya